Sunday, August 23, 2009


We had the 3 Deatsch cousins over last night for a sleepover! What fun we had. We slipped and slided, swam in the big pool (you gotta watch Abi- she thinks she can swim), ate homemade chicken nuggets and french fries, played games, colored, played the Wii and of course I insisted on a photo shoot.

The kids thought this was pretty funny- from their vantage point they couldn't see AC holding her up.

The bigger girls played dress-up and let me take a few pictures. Emi and Chloe also set up their own beauty salon and Abi and Ellie were their first (and only) customers.
If only Abi could sit still long enough. . .

The boys went right to sleep in Hayden's room, although Hayden informed me that Billy snores- loud.
The girls, well, they were a little more giggly. Abi went to bed first and was asleep by the time I put the big girls in there. Well, whispering woke up Squishy and then she joined in the party. There were giggles and laughs and shrieks and shouts of "night night!" over and over again. It was finally quiet by 9 or so, which I didn't think was too bad.
Everyone made it up at the crack of dawn, and we managed to get 8 people out the door by 8:30 for church. We got lots of looks when AC and I walked in the door with 6 kids in tow. The kids were all so cute holding hands and being so nice. It almost made me want 3 more of my own. Just kidding, it didn't.

We had so much fun with our cousins- we will do it again, soon!


Katy said...

What a great Auntie you are!! Homemade chicken nuggets store bought nuggets for this crew!! Love it! Cute pics!

Kara said...

uThat's a full house! How fun for all the cousins. Great memories are being made at the Craft household.