Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Hayden!

Hayden turned 8 on Friday. Where does the time go? We had quite the busy birthday weekend, beginning with cupcakes at school on Friday afternoon. Friday night was Family Birthday Dinner. The Deatsch's came over, and Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Tara. I didn't get many good pictures- the kids were swimming and I had taken a few, then I jumped in fully clothed to help Hayden and Billy. Hayden thought it would be fun to swim across the pool with Billy on his back. Billy thought he needed to hold on extra tight to Hayden's throat. Needless to say, Hayden's plan was unsuccessful. I panicked, seeing the look of panic on Billy's face, and so I put down my camera and jumped in. The funny thing is, AC was right behind me ready to get in , and he had swimming trunks on. Oh, well. The pool felt nice, but I didn't get many good pictures.

Hayden opened lots of presents, and got everything he ever wanted (his words), and a very big cake.
Saturday was his friend party, and he had a blast then, too.
Happy Birthday, my sweet boy!

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