Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fred's Biggest Fans

Our 31st annual Jamboree camping trip was this past weekend. A major part of that trip has always been Fred and his guitar. For the past few years, since we have a whole slew of little ones again, Fred does an evening matinee with all the toddler loved greatest hits: "ABCs", "Twinkle Little Star", "Sneaky Snake" and, my personal favorite, "I'm Being Swallowed By a Boa Constrictor". The kids loved it. If they would've had lighters, they would've been lit and swaying. There were grins and giggles, open-mouthed awe, dancing, and lots of clapping. Abi decided that clapping may have been her favorite part, and really let it rip.

Here is a picture of all of the kids enjoying the show- even Serena and Sammy. Hayden thinks he's pretty special and just plopped himself down in the best seat in the house.
This year was extra-special because it was Ryan's first Jamboree concert- and Ryan just happens to be Fred's grandson. Welcome to the Jamboree, little man. You are in for a treat.

Thanks, Fred, for all of the years of entertainment, and for continuing the tradition for the next generation. How about "Wheels on the Bus" for next year? And I'm sorry I couldn't stay awake for the Grown-up concert. It sounded great from my tent.

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