Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Birthday Bash

Hayden had a really fun Sports-themed party this year. He wanted to swim, so we kept the guest list small, and had Chauncey help us lifeguard. The boys were all polite and well-behaved, and it looked like everyone was having a good time. AC set up an obstacle course, we had a baseball pinata and baseball cake, and they swam and performed amazing feats off of the diving board. Hayden received some very nice gifts, and had a great day. He has a great group of friends, and I love the fact that he loves a good party, just like his mom!

Please forgive the low quality of pictures- its hard to take pictures on the run in full sun and with our ugly house in the background. But you get the idea.

Max performing his corkscrew jump.

AJ executing a perfect dive. Look at that form!

Max and Tino (with help from AC) on the wheelbarrow section of the obstacle course.

Blowing out the candles on yet another cake. He really wanted a soccer ball cake, but a baseball cake is sooo much easier to make.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Happy happy birthday Hayden! I can't believe he's 8! How did that happen? The festivities look like they were fun for all.