Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yippee Ki Yay

Grandpa has some very nice friends. First, Mr. Augustine lets our kids ride on his cool wagon in the Pleasant Valley Days parade for the past few years. He hitches up his beautiful black horses, which in itself is very cool to watch, then lets 6 kids he's not even related to scramble onto the wagon

and throw candy to the spectators. The parade lasts all of 20 minutes or so, but the entire venture takes a couple of hours. It is very nice of him to spend the time and effort to give our kids a thrill.

Secondly, Mr. Sweeney saddled up his beautiful horse, "DP" and again let our 6 kids enjoy themselves. The 4 big ones were led by halter around the yard, but Natalie hitched herself up there and rode with Ellie and Abi, and she took the reigns like a pro. (The flip-flops were not cowboy issue, but she looked good anyway.) So, thanks Grandpa for having a nice little ranch house in Young, and for having extra-nice friends.


Michelle said...

How fun does that look? What a blast and such great memories for the kids. I went to High school with Mr. Augustine's daughter Emily :)

Kara said...

What a fun trip! Love the pic of all the girl cousins together.