Monday, November 30, 2009

I am Thankful for . . .

. . . Ellie being happy most of the time, and that she and I get to spend everyday together while the big kids are at school. . . . sweet girls that get along and like to play together, and enjoy sharing a room.
. . .Billy, who is as cute as can be, and is always smiling, even when he's upset. Its amazing.

. . . Squishy and her huggaliciousness (I just made that word up, but it fits her to a T.) She's also always smiling- even when she's doing something she's not supposed to be doing. I could squeeze her all day.

. . . having three wonderful kids who are well-behaved (mostly), sweet (mostly), fun to be with (mostly), and most importantly, happy and healthy.

. . . Grandma and Grandpa having a condo in CA so we can spend Thanksgiving at the beach. And 4th of July. And spring Break. We love it there.

. . . that we can relax when needed. And that Hayden has a sense of humor.

. . . sweet Emily. I love that girl. She and Chloe have so much fun together, and I'm glad the cousins get to spend lots of time together.

. . . Chloe's teacher, who has helped Chloe emerge from her shyness shell, and thrive in Kindergarten. She loves school, another thing for which I am thankful.

. . . For Hayden and Chloe's school, and that they do lots of "programs" for the kids.
I'm thankful for our family that we don't get to see as often, and that our kids can be close to Nana and Papa even though they are not geographically close. I'm thankful that AC has a good job, that we can pay our bills, and that I am able to stay at home with our kids. I'm also thankful for our health, our love and our blessings!

1 comment:

Katy said...

I am thankful for you! I love this post.