Monday, November 2, 2009


Boba Fett, Fancy Nancy and Cinderella/Barbie princess had a great Halloween! My favorite part of this holiday is the Storybook Parade at their school. Chloe was so excited because her very sweet friend Madison was the EXACT same Fancy Nancy and brought the EXACT same book. If that happens at Senior Prom we'll have an issue- in Kindergarten its awesome. Ellie got into the act this year and dressed up as well. She was going to be Dora, but the freakishly cool weather made her change her mind. She proudly held up her Cinderella book as the big kids walked by. Hayden was part of the 2nd grade Star Wars contingent- complete with 3 clone troopers, a couple of Darth Vaders and Boba's very own "son", Jango.

Halloween night was a lot of fun, too. Ellie made a costume change to Barbie Princess. Since our neighborhood is no fun on Halloween, we have to invite ourselves over to friends/family every year to trick or treat. This year we were with our good friends the Meyers. Max is in Hayden's class, and Maddie is on Chloe's soccer team. Not only do they live in a neighborhood with houses that are close together, they live in a generous neighborhood! The kids made out like bandits. One house even gave out Bug Catcher toys. Very nice. The moms sat out front drinking wine and handing out candy while the dad took the troops around the 'hood. Now that's my idea of a fun Halloween. The night ended with Chloe getting a fever, but at least she was smart enough to wait until after trick-or-treating to tell me.Now we are dealing with the post Halloween sugar rush. The kids got so much candy this year that I've been buying it off of them for 5 cents per peice, so they don't eat themselves sick. I'm personally glad Halloween is over- I spent all week planning the kids' parties at school, all day Friday AT the kids' parties at school, and all day Sunday saying, "No, you may not have another piece yet." Boo-humbug.

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