Friday, May 1, 2009

Rub-a-dub-dub, 3 Girls in a Tub

After a fun evening playing outside, the big girls decided to take a bath. Every time Emi comes over, they all end up in the tub! Billy and Abi were so interested in the big girls' bath, they decided they wanted one as well. I ended up with 5 kids in two different tubs at the same time! (Hayden just played the Wii- he's not big on baths anymore. . . or showers for that matter!) They all had a great time, but the big girls win in the "most water on the floor" contest. I didn't get a picture of Abi and Billy, b/c I figured I'd better put the camera down and make sure no one drowned. Alls well that ends well, and we had 5 clean kiddos.


Michelle said...

Very cute and very impressed you had two baths with 5 kids all going at once :) And still was able to take pics.

russellmaynard said...

Those pictures are too cute! I think I need copies for camp, wink, wink!