Friday, April 24, 2009

Wild Fun

These pictures are a couple of weeks old, but they are too cute to not post. Hayden decided he needed a mental health day from school, so on Ellie's birthday we headed south to the Phoenix zoo. We love the zoo- the kids know where all of the animals are, we bring their zoo cups for $1 lemonades, and mom gets to sit and watch them run around like, well, monkeys, on the playground. Fun for all, and gorgeous weather as well. I brought my big camera on this day because Hayden wanted pictures of the prarie dogs. The prarie dogs are his new favorite animal. I'm not going to say its because the little girl at school who Hayden thinks is the "fastest runner and really good at everything" chose Prarie Dogs as the subject of her desert animal project. Also, I'm not going to say that he wanted pictures of the prarie dogs so he could take them to school to show this girl. Really. I'm going to say that he thinks they are funny and cute.
So I took pictures of all the animals for the kids (Choe is keeping hers in her Hello Kitty scrapbook she got for her birthday) and I got to take pictures of my little animals for myself.

Hayden was very willing to have his picture taken, because I was willing to let him climb all over anything he wanted. This tree stump was a favorite spot. Ellie couldn't quite make it up to the top.

Chloe looking lovely in her new hat she got for Easter from Grandma.

Ellie looking tres chic in her new shades.


russellmaynard said...

Those pictures are ADORABLE! Why can't I ever get a pic of all three like that...

Erin said...

It's bribery, I tell you. They wanted to play on the playground. Picture first. :)