Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ooohhh, that's cold!!

We just got back from our fabulous trip to Disneyland. More pictures of that to follow. We stayed in Carlsbad on Sunday and Monday night first, and so of course went to the beach on Monday. Unlike my sister-in-law, (see blog entitled "Exhausted x3") I know that my kids, Hayden especially, cannot be near the ocean without becoming intimately involved with water. I warned him that he would be cold if he got wet, and he assured me that he would only play in the sand. Knowing better, I brought extra clothes and dry towels for all.
Well, there he was playing in the sand, la-di-da-di-da, hardly noticing that the waves were getting closer and closer . . . when he stops and looks and says, "Uh-oh! Its a big one!!"
And he was right!

He said it was pretty darn cold, but he didn't mind. We stayed for another 30 minutes or so, and he didn't complain once. The girls only got wet from the sand, so they weren't too bad. I, the big wimp that I am, was hiding out in the car while AC and the kids picked up rocks and such, then we all went home to a warm shower and lunch. Frankly, I prefer the beach in August, but Hayden will take the beach any time, any day, any weather.


Michelle said...

That is so cute. What perfect shots! Great scrapbooking page mom.

russellmaynard said...

HA! Way to be thinking ahead mom! Kids are hilarious....he stayed another 30 minutes!