Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Men in the Kitchen

I am taking a break of my usual adorable kid photos to brag a bit about the men in my kitchen. My esteemed father-in-law, Steve, spent yesterday afternoon making his DE-LIC-IOUS chocolate cookies and vanilla pretzels. They are the only Christmas cookies I ever need. To top it off, AC decides to cook the turkey we had in our freezer, with homemade sausage stuffing. All I had to do was whip up some mashed potatoes, and then our feast was ready. Anyone jealous yet?

I must say I am a lucky, lucky girl.


Michelle said...

Looks yummy and yes I am jealous of stuffing in a turkey (bad brother-in-law!)

Kara said...

Looks delicious. Feel free to send those boys and their cooking apparati this way.