Monday, October 6, 2008

OMG- I'm a "soccer mom"!

Soccer season officially started on Saturday. Chloe had her first ever game, and her only job was to listen to dad (coach) and to have fun. So every time she ran by me she would smile, blow me kisses or give me the thumbs up. After the first half, I told her she should try to kick the ball as well. She actually got her foot on it a few times, but Chloe is not what you'd call aggressive. Overall, she really enjoyed her first soccer game, which, after all , is the goal. Get it? Goal? hahahah.
Hayden played his first U8 game, and loved it. Its so much more fun than U6, and they have goalies and everything. He did pretty well, and my only rule for him is that he has to hustle. He's pretty good at defense, but doesn't really take the ball and go for the goal. But he has fun- and that is what counts.
My Saturdays for the next few months are booked solid.


russellmaynard said...

I bet we could find you a bumper sticker or even better a blingy shirt declaring you realization to the world....Hmmm, christmas ideas!!! Love the pictures & what great weather you had!

Michelle said...

Chloe looks so sweet. Go Hayden, defense is a very important part of soccer.