Friday, September 26, 2008

Photo Shoot

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get 3 kids to smile, look at the camera and keep their hands to themlseves, all at the same time? This is, of course, after arguing about shirts, and trying to fix hair and clean faces. So how did I get 3 kids to smile? (not necessarily at the same time, of course) Good, Old Fashioned Bribery. Ummm, I mean rewards. If they listened to me and smiled, they got to pick between 1.) a Hershey's miniature 2.) Mellowcreme pumpkin (Which I have only for decoration in my candy jars, of course) or 3.) 2 quarters. Chloe and Ellie picked the candy- Hayden went for the cash. The next question is, "Why the Photoshoot, Erin?" Well, thank you for asking, and I'll tell you why. Someone's birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and that person was involved in the making of these three kids (and sometimes the taking care of, but we moms know how that goes) and we thought that he might like a new picture of all three of the kids- which is a very rare thing. So, shhhhh . . . don't tell- its a suprise.
The above pic is the winner- not the best picture in the world, but I have three smiles, open eyes and no boogers. I would have really like more eye contact for Hayden and Ellie, but beggars can't be choosers.
This last one is "serious faces". I was trying to get them to smile naturally with the old, "Don't smile!" trick. Ummm, they are really good at not smiling. I think Ellie's been giving them lessons. Now I can take a few months off until our Christmas Card Photo Shoot. I'll probalby have to up the ante- Hayden will demand green and the girls will probably want full size bars. Hey- Whatever it takes to get the shot!


Kara said...

Rewards well spent! Bravo!

Katy said...

thank you i 100% least you didnt pay $175 for one serious baby, one "cheese" deer in headlight looking boy, and one who smiled no matter what! cute pics!