Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We Heart Soccer!

From August until December, Soccer makes up a very big portion of our lives. In fact, we were so busy with soccer that I didn't have time to update my blog all fall! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Ellie played for the first time this year. AC was her coach, of course, and she loved that part of it. She did not enjoy the socks, cleats, shin guards and running part of it. We compromised and allowed her to wear Dora shoes instead of cleats.
Hayden was AC's "assistant", which he took very seriously, both for Ellie's team . . .

and Chloe's, for which AC was ALSO the coach.

This was Chloe's 3rd year playing, and the first year with actual referees, and rules, and other girls who were really good. Our team was made up of all of Chloe's friends that requested to be on our team, so the focus was more on giggling, holding hands and having fun than actually winning. We did manage to score 2 goals- the entire season. And, as shocking as it is to anyone who knows Chloe, she is not an aggressive player. Cute, yes. Avid competitor, not so much. She was just happy to be on the field with all of her friends and her daddy.

We had a few friends on the other team as well- here's Ryder. He and Ellie have been friends since in utero, so it was fun. AC and I have learned, with the many teams we've headed already, that its not so much the talent of the players that's important on a team, but instead having good parents- ones that are fun to have around, willing to help out and not into yelling at coach.

Yes, Ellie wore hot pink leggings underneath her soccer shorts and shin guards. Along with a big hair bow and usually about 50 silly bands. Quite the fashion statement.

This was Hayden's 5th year playing soccer, and this spring he was on a competitive team. The boy loves soccer, and I'm sure he'll want to keep playing for a long time. I'm glad that he's found something he truly loves- he's going to try out for another competitive team this summer, and if it works out soccer will become an even bigger part of our lives.

Look at that form! And those white legs! He really does take after me in many ways, poor kid.
So, now in the off season, I can look back on our time on the field with enjoyment. Then I look forward to next season (kind of) because I heart soccer (not really, but my kids do, so I have to as well!)

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