Friday, February 25, 2011

Christmas Programs

I love when the kids have Christmas programs- or, Holiday programs I should say- at school. Chloe and the first grade sang a variety of holiday songs. I would have taken better pictures, except I was stuck a few rows back. Lone Mountain has some moms who tend to arrive a good 30 minutes early to get the front row seats- its a cutthroat world in the elementary school multi-purpose room.

Ellie's school put on a Christmas play. Specifically, the story of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Ellie was a singing cow. We won't get into historical innacuracies because the kids were just too cute for words.

Have you ever seen a cuter cow? Accesorized and everything.
I look forward to many more school performances- they are the highlights of my year!

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