Monday, September 7, 2009

Bartlett Lake

We decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather Saturday Morning and head to the lake. We brought a few fishing poles, a container of worms, a few snacks, and of course Mom's camera.

Hayden finally found a stick big enough for him.
Chloe liked fishing for about 7 minutes- 5 minutes longer than Mommy enjoys fishing. She spent most of the time playing by me, eating her snack and running from the bees. She REALLY does not like bees.
Ellie actually enjoyed fishing. She stood there quite patiently, and would reel her line in. It was pretty funny because Hayden kept telling her that she caught a worm. She was pretty excited about it.
Taking a quick break from the excitement.Hayden started out in the traditional fisherman's stance. Sittin' and Waitin'.He then moved on to a more active form of fishing- the net.
He finally decided to just go native- lets just catch those fish with our bare hands. needless to say, we did not have a fish dinner. But we did have a LOT of fun.

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