Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hayden turns 9!

I can't believe my oldest child turned 9 this year. Granted, it happened in August so I've had awhile to get used to it, but still- hard to believe. Hayden had a fun birthday, as always. His big day fell on a Saturday, so we had the friends' party in the morning, and the family shin-dig that night. It made for a very busy day, but it was nice to get it all out of the way in one day.
Since his birthday is in August, Hayden has a swim party every year. This year he invited the 5 friends that he wanted, chose a soccer theme (suprise suprise) and even held a mini-world cup tournament in the yard. Instead of cake we had ice cream sundaes, which were a huge hit on the hot, hot, hot day.

That night, the cousins and grandparents came over. There was more swimming, more presents, more food and more good times.

The sad face is because I had to yell at Hayden to stop singing to himself. Looking back, I don't know why I cared that he was singing to himself. Another mommy mistake, and I have a picture to capture it all so I can relive the guilt someday when he is in therapy and is discussing with his therapist how his 9th birthday was ruined by me.

Okay, not totally ruined. It did end with an soccer ball docorated ice cream cake, after all.

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