Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jamboree 2010

Our annual camping trip in August . . . 3 or 4 days of eating, rain, drinking, dirt, eating, boggle, drinking, smores, eating, friends and, of course, eating and drinking. This year was no different. We arrived early Friday afternoon, and 15 minutes later it started to rain. And rain. And rain. What else to do but grab a drink, sit back and relax. And watch AC put up the tent in the rain. I married very well. I don't actually have many pictures of the boys because as soon as daylight hit, they scattered into the woods to play boy games- usually involving sticks, sound effects and pinecones. They would return to eat, then leave again until dark or so. Hayden is holding the rope for the rope swing that was set up Saturday night. It looked extremely dangerous to my scaredy-cat eyes, but the kids loved it.

Every year Ellie drags that poor baby along camping. She never plays with her at home. I can't quite figure out the connection, but pinkie is now a jamboree tradition.

Fred and his Saturday evening sing-a-long. The kids love it (look at Abi in the picture!) and I think Fred still likes doing it. Sneaky Snake, ABCs, Wheels on the Bus . . . the classics.

Adventerous Audrey. I'm going to call her Doctor Dolittle from now on. If there is a non-human creature anywhere nearby, not only does she find it, but she picks it up and carries it around and loves it. Perfect Camper- not afraid of anything.

I have lots of pictures of these dirrrrrty girrrrrls. They caravaned around camp like a gaggle of giggling geese. (Alliteration- another Jamboree tradition).

We had a great time again this year, as always. Only 9 months until next year!

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