Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Field Day

Hayden and Chloe had field day last week. The weather was beautiful and the kids had a blast. They did tug-of-war, relay races, 3-legged race and an obstacle course. It was Chloe's first field day and she really had a good time. The best part of all: Chauncey had the day off of school and came with me to watch the kids. Hayden and all of his friends were beside themselves with excitement, because Chauncey is beyond cool. He even helped out with the relay and tug-of-war, to the chants of 8 year old boys. Ahh, to be adored. Chauncey shows Ellie how its done.
Ellie having a go at the obstacle course.

Hayden and his best bud AJ doing the 3-legged race.

Aren't they cute boys?

Chloe and her friend Madison.

She can't help but be graceful, even on an obstacle course.

Chloe and Madison doing the 3-legged race.

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