Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Eve

As 2010 begins to roll along, I've already blown my New Year's resolution. I resolved to KEEP UP in 2010- with my housework, my pictures, my kids and my husband. Seven days into the New Year, and my house is a mess, I'm only up to Christmas eve in my blog, and I'm exhausted trying to keep up with the kids and AC (although, in my defense, it is hard work keeping up with AC). New Year's Resolutions are stupid, anyway. So there. I was having so much fun on Christmas eve eating, drinking and visiting my family that I slacked off on the picture taking. These are the best of the evening, and as you can see, that's not saying much.
I had a LOT of pictures of Billy. Was it because he was sitting next to me, or was it really because I can't help myself when he's around? I want to take a million pictures of that sweet face. I'll tell my kids when they wonder why there are more pictures of Billy than all the others combined that its just because he was sitting next to me. Shhhh- don't burst their bubbles.

These two girls aren't too hard on the lens, either. And as sweet as can be!

Chauncey's girlfriend, Madi, is pretty sweet and cute. Too bad her boyfriend is such a goof. He refused to be nice to me, so he deserves this picture. That's right, boy, you may be bigger, stronger and faster, but I have the camera and I'm not afraid to use it.

Five out of seven, here. I actually didn't have any pictures of Hayden from the whole night. Oops. I'm wondering what Billy is so concerned about.

There's not much to say, here.

Oops. How did that get in there? See what I mean about that face, though, don't you?

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