Thursday, August 28, 2008

Birthday Boy!

Okay, I admit it. I've been very blistless lately. My apologies to our legions of fans out there. In my defense, I have had problems with blogger lately- notice the absence of a video that I've tried to post about 100 times. But no matter.

Hayden had a great birthday- 3 celebrations. How's that for good times? We had a quiet family night, then a big pirate party with an inflatable slide and even an erupting Volcano cake. (It didn't quite erupt as I had planned, but it did bubble and ooze.) Finally, the birthday extravaganza ended last night with a grandma-sponsored party with cousins and lots of presents. I'm exhausted just writing about it.
Happy Birthday, Hayden. We love you very much and you are the best 7 year old boy EVER.

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